Cheers to a Node.js conference in Japan

Daijiro Wachi
7 min readNov 29, 2016


From 12th to 13th in November, Node.js users and developers came together to join a conference called “東京Node学園祭2016” in Tokyo for two days. This conference was the 5th time for us since it has been holding every year from 2011, and this time was the first time to have two days instead of a single day. It should be the largest in the past.

Its goal was to welcome new beginner hackers, try to contribute to Node.js core code together, have a discussion with all about Node.js, exchange knowledge, and meet with new hacker friends.

First day

The first day was interactive day! We had Nodeschool, Node discussion, PayPal / Braintree Workshop, Code and Learn, and lightning talks.


Nodeschool was hold from morning to evening. It’s to have an opportunity to learn the web software skills for everyone, and it was great✰ as usual according to the questionnaire.

Nodeschool in the first day

One of the differences with most of the other nodeschool is that they used not only the basic workshoppers, but also three special workshoppers in the following which are created by the developers in Japan users community.

Node discussion

Node discussion was to have a discussion with core developers directly about good points/bad points/wish list for Node.js from the developers in Japan.

Node Discussion in the first day

We distribute a bunch of post-it and pen to everyone first, and then they write their thoughts on good points, bad points, and wish list for Node.js itself. Then, moderator categorize them on a whiteboard and start the discussion to ask the questions to the most suitable person who has a deep knowledge of the topic.

Here is the result what they wrote:

Node Discussion in the first day

As the last year, so many post-it were put on the board, and we had a lively discussion than we expected. @bradleymeck wrote up the answers for most of post-it after the nodefest since the time was not enough to wrap up. We appreciate his polite work.

PayPal / Braintree Workshop

Paypal/braintree workshop by @benzookapi

An evangelist @benzookapi at Paypal held a workshop to build a purchase feature in Node.js with Paypal and the braintree API. Many participants gained billion yen by his workshop(in the sandbox). It means most of the participants actually could build an example app including the purchase feature by themselves quickly because of the workshop.

For more detail, here is his slide:

Code and Learn

Code and Learn challenge by @yosuke_furukawa

It was one of the challenging contents in nodefest. We got inspired from Node Interactive Europe, and tried to have the same contents. @shigeki, @yosuke_furukawa, and some of the other developers prepared weak points in the core which can be fixed easily at this issue:

@shigeki also left more tips to contribute into core, like a general style of commit message in Node.js, developer’s certificate of origin, docs have to check(,,, CONTRIBUTING, and docs/guides/, and some of the other tips. Here is his slide:

Eventually, nine commits were already merged into the core. Sugoi🎉

$ git clone
$ cd node
$ git log --oneline --grep ''
9927795 test: use setImmediate() in test of stream2
30bf123 doc: fix typo in doc/ line: 6
63e889a test: add test case of PassThrough
195989d doc: fix typo e.g., => e.g.
8a78fcb test: change from setTimeout to setImmediate
a3dd943 doc: fix typo about cluster doc, (eg. -> e.g.)
9428854 doc: fix typo in doc/
8ca322d test: improve test-stream2-objects.js
7030f09 doc: fix e.g., to e.g. in doc/

Lightning talks

We had seven lightning talks. Here is some of them that were very popular according to the questionnaire.

Tasting ES2017

By @yoshiko_pg. This talk was about tasting some experimental features in ES2017. Here are features that she mentioned in her talk:

  • Object.values / Object.entries
  • String padding
  • Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
  • Trailing commas in function parameter lists and calls
  • Async Functions.
Tasting ES2017 by @yoshiko_pg

For more detail:

Make a production line app with Electron in a factory

By @fossamagna. This talk was about making a production line app in a golf-club factory. He used node-serialport and Electron to create the following two apps:

  • Control the patrol lamp connected by the serial cable(RS-232C) through a signal
  • Print a label via a special label printer
Make a production line app with Electron in a factory by @fossamagna

For more detail:

How to start using Node.js in a company does nothing with Node.js yet

By @moomooya. This talk gave us some tips to persuade company to use Node.js. It’s always good that solve some easy problem by Node.js as thefirst step. We have a ton of packages on the npm registry, and we can pick some modules to automate some easy works. He mentioned Excel tasks to total the internal data as an example.

How to start using Node.js in a company that does nothing with Node.js by @moomooya

For more detail:

Second day

The second day was a session day! We had 25 talks including lightning talks in a single day.

House full at room A

Summary of the brilliant talks

Here is links of the talks broken down by category. Check it our if you weren’t in Tokyo.

Desktop Applications

Evolution of Electron by @zcbenz

Universal applications

Introducing Now and Next.js by @nkzawa


The journey toward ES modules by @bmeck


Building Interactive npm Command Line Modules by @lrlna


KAIZEN culture supporting the development of Cybozu by @teppeis

Development ecosystem

PostCSS: Build your own CSS processor by @morishitter

Low levels

Demystifying JavaScript Engines by @a0viedo

After parties

In the after party, we had not only foods, but also an open mic to give a lightning talk freely in front of people while they are eating. See the photo stream of them.

After party

a lot of developers in the same venue
healthy foods😋
🍣 🍕

Open mic

A type of specially-designed data structure
About good-bug-report, npm doctor, and npm report

After after party

Otukaresama deshita

After after after party

After after after after party


Thanks to the cooperation of 32 speakers, 16 company sponsors, 612 participants, all volunteer staff, we were able to have the two exciting days together. Node.js is active in many various fields, and the richness of this variation also leads to the breadth of participants. Among the many cultural differences in the world, we’re very pleased to spent the same time with many dedicated people at the same place, as part of the diverse Node.js community.

We will continue to strive to be held the conference next year. And if you are interested in supporting our community, please let us know!

Many thanks to all sponsors

We never could have made the days without sponsor’s supports. Again, we appreciate to all sponsors.


Related links

Photos were taken by @kamiyam and @ktogo


